Recovery Council materials here – February to June 2009

The Recovery Council meets monthly to help move the Northern Lakes system transformation forward so the organization is increasingly more recovery-based.

Some of the key accomplishments of the Council:

  • The Recovery Council developed the official Definition of Recovery – The definition is key to driving system transformation and keeping our vision on track. The definition is posted in all NLCMHA offices, included in monthly CEO Reports to the Board of Directors, and read at all Learning Communities.
  • The Recovery Council provided key input to develop a policy on Promoting a Recovery Oriented Service System (adopted April 27, 2009). This policy applies to all NLCMHA direct-operated clinical services and contractual providers. The policy formally expresses the concept of recovery as the overarching goal of the NLCMHA service system. It provides guiding principles to use as guides, and also provides a framework to operationalize achieving what we want. The policy has far-reaching implications.
  • The Recovery Council provided key input in developing the Recovery 101 curriculum. Offerings now include Pathways to Recovery, MI-PATH, WRAP, and Art Groups. Soon, movement groups will be added too. The movement class will assist in individuals’ recovery and will also address people’s holistic wellness, which was another task of the Recovery Council.
  • Recovery Council discussions about holistic wellness helped drive development of the Living Well theme of the fall consumer conference, where learning opportunities were presented on relaxation techniques. The movement group mentioned previously is being added as a result of Recovery Council recommendation. In addition, a smoking cessation group has started in Cadillac for consumers and their families.
  • The Recovery Council provided key input to developing the Virtual Recovery Center on the NLCMHA web site. As one example of a change resulting from the Recovery Council’s recommendation, we now have revolving pictures, which liven up the site and make it feel more welcoming. This has helped make the site a thriving place where recovery information is shared. The web site averages about 6,000 visits every day.
  • The Recovery Council provided valuable feedback on NLCMHA use of the Recovery Enhancing Environment (REE) survey. This feedback is being used locally by NLCMHA and was also shared with the State Recovery Council to assist it in making its recommendations for statewide adoption.
  • The Recovery Council provided  key input on block grant projects.
  • The Recovery Council provided  recommendations on environment improvements which have been implemented, such as: recovery towers in each office, photobiographies throughout each office, inspirational quotes posted weekly, and artwork displayed in each office. Outside auditors and reviewers as well as visitors to the buildings regularly state that an expectation of recovery is apparent from the minute you walk through NLCMHA doors.
  • The Recovery Council created a survey and a process to collect information on the gaps in community resources that consumers say they need and cannot obtain.
  • Recovery Council discussions have set the stage for making some changes to improve the access process and packet, with recommendations on using the 5 Stages video and various handouts.

If you would like to learn more about what the Council does, you may check the recent agendas from February, March, April, and May.

Also informative are the Meeting Minutes. Here are the minutes from October 2008, January, February, March, and April.