Recovery Learning Community Materials Here: January to June 2009

Here are Learning Community agendas from January, February, April, May, and June. During March, Learning Communities did not meet. Instead, Northern Lakes Community Mental Health conducted the Recovery Enhancing Environment (REE) survey.

For several months, the Learning Communities learned about a different diagnosis each meeting. In January it was Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In February the topic was Seasonal Affective Disorder. April’s topic was Personality Disorder.

In May, the groups heard an extremely valuable presentation on Customer Services – What NLCMHA Customer Services representatives do and how to reach them. If ever you have a question about Community Mental Health, whether it be on services, supports, classes, resources, how to volunteer or some other topic, Customer Services is a great place to start. If Customer Services representatives do not know the answer, they will do their best to find out.

In June, Recovery Learning Communities looked at Crisis Planning and examined a new Crisis Planning Form. The form is based on one in the Pathways to Recovery curriculum and is very user friendly. Filling out a Crisis Planning Form and giving copies to the significant people in your life is a way to keep control of your own treatment when you are unable to communicate your wishes.

In June, the groups also learned about the Recipient Rights Advisory Committee (RRAC) and the Application and Appointment Process. They learned about openings on the committee for people living in Grand Traverse/Leelanau Counties and Crawford/Roscommon Counties. They also received an RRAC Application Form.

If you are interested in attending the Recovery Learning Community, you are welcome at any time. You can come and listen to the topics of the day. There’s no pressure to speak or share. For the latest schedule, check the NLCMHA Calendar of Events. There is no cost to attend and you do not need to register ahead of time. Just come!