National Wellness Week: on Environmental Health

Each day during SAMHSA‘s National Wellness Week, we are looking at one of the Eight Dimensions of Wellness.

Today, we look at Environmental Health – Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being.

Ideas shared by people attending our September Action Group include these:

  • I get outside and take a deep breath of fresh air.
  • I like to go outside and enjoy the sounds… hearing birds, children laughing.
  • I try to keep my home picked up. I remind myself that I deserve a nice place to be in.
  • Sometimes when making my home clean seems like a big effort, I time how long a particular task takes. It’s a lot easier to motivate to do the dishes when I reflect on the fact that it really only takes a few minutes and that I really, really enjoy the result of a clean kitchen.
  • I bring my own bags to the grocery store to carry my groceries, to help keep the environment nice.
  • For me, decorating my home is important. I can make my environment look nice without spending a lot.
  • Making my space be a nice place to be.
  • I try to find new pleasing surroundings in my community for walking.
  • Spending time at the clubhouse or drop-in center.