This strategic plan is written as a comprehensive document reflecting the three primary roles and responsibilities (Community Mental Health Services Program, MI Choice Waiver Agent, and Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan) held by the Northern Lakes Community Mental Health Authority (Northern Lakes). Northern Lakes holds distinct contracts with the Michigan Department of Community Health specific to these responsibilities. These are:

  • The General Fund contract held by Northern Lakes as a Community Mental Health Services Program (CMHSP),
  • The Medicaid Specialty Services and Supports contract held by Northern Lakes as the Hub in its “Hub and Spoke” relationship with West Michigan CMHS while doing business as the Northwest CMH Affiliation (NWCMHA), and
  • The Home & Community Based Services for the Elderly & Disabled Waiver Program contract held by Northern Lakes as a MI Waiver Agent while doing business as Northern Health Care Management (NHCM).

While these are distinct contracts, each with distinct roles and responsibilities, Northern Lakes is responsible to actively plan to promote success in all three roles. Such planning is especially critical at this time of unprecedented economic uncertainly and budget reductions. This plan attempts to provide an integrated strategic planning foundation but does not attempt to be the formal strategic plan for all three. This plan is built upon the Northern Lakes Ends Policy and its Vision, Mission, and Values consistent with the Carver Model of Policy Governance. Section III identifies State and Federal direction (these being the two primary sources of funding), as it is critical that our direction and practice is consistent. Section IV briefly reviews NWCMHA and NHCM planning and in more detail looks at Northern Lakes planning consistent with CARF standards. Section V identifies broad NWCMHA and NHCM strategic priorities with an emphasis on how Northern Lakes can support future success. In more detail Section V has been developed as the Northern Lakes Community Mental Health Authority 2009 – 2013 Strategic Plan.