Pathways to Recovery: Ongoing & Open to Everyone!


Pathways to Recovery is a self-help class which focuses on how you can use your many strengths and resources to set goals and achieve recovery in broad areas of life such as:

  • having a sense of home
  • increasing your knowledge and education
  • deciding what kind of work you may want to do
  • developing the kind of relationships you want to have with others
  • improving your sexuality and achieving intimacy
  • attaining higher levels of wellness
  • finding enjoyable recreational activities
  • unfolding your spirituality and other important areas

John’s overall opinion of Pathways is that it is “a fantastic idea!” John says he lived with bipolar disorder for 15 years and never heard the word recovery until he moved to our area. Here’s what he has to say:

“Everything else I had ever been involved with basically just supported the idea that ‘you are depressed, you are going to live with that, that’s just how things are going to be, here’s a few tools to live with it.’ But this group is different – it is about grabbing hold of some ideals and tools to work with for recovery and then developing a very substantial recovery. I found it very, very useful… a very positive thing. I put the tools to work for myself everyday.”

“This is not a class where someone asks, well, what did you learn today? It’s almost as if it brings common sense back to your thoughts and you apply it to everyday uses. It can be a big shift.”

“I most definitely look at things differently now. For instance, say you wind up having a panic attack. Or you go into a depression. And the first thing you think is, ‘Oh, this is it, life is over, everything is over, there is no more.’ You learn to develop your train of thought that this is a temporary situation, you have felt better before and you will feel better again, and start to focus on that positive side instead of staying focused on the here and now, which is maybe full of depression and anxiety.”

“You start to change your whole focus and attitude toward pretty much everything. If you have reached wit’s end or seriously want to think and focus on recovery, this is a great place to start.”

The class can be used along with other approaches to recovery that focus on reducing and self-managing disturbing symptoms. Pathways to Recovery guides you through processes of self-assessment, self-discovery and planning that help you decide where you want to go in life. You will create personal visions, design long-term goals and action steps to make progress towards your dreams. Pathways will help you use your own inner and outer strengths and the resources that are available to you to move you forward on your pathway to recovery.

In other words, Pathways to Recovery is about getting a fuller and more enjoyable life!

Pathways is open to everyone. You do not need to be currently receiving services at Northern Lakes and you do not need a referral to participate. You just have to be willing to focus on your recovery in a positive way. Let’s get started! Check the calendar for the schedule in your area. Just click on the Pathway class you are interested in and more information will pop up.