Ann Marie: My Story

I was born in 1948 and by the time I was a year old my grandpa…

Commitment: Walk the Talk

An excerpt from Walk the Talk by Eric Harvey and Steve Venture Think…

Good advice for living well

Recovery Coordinator Mary Beth Evans says this is one of the…

Jeff: My Story

I first discovered I had schizophrenia while I was in the Navy…

Recovery Learning Communities – July 2008 meeting materials here!

The July Learning Community meeting agenda included a fun, interactive…

Elizabeth: Cries for Help

My name is Elizabeth. I’m 27 years old and have a five-year-old…

Recovery Learning Communities – June 2008 meeting materials here! Language of Recovery – Hope is at the center.

The June Learning Community agenda focused on the language we…

Helen: My Story

I was born in Manteca, in northern California, and raised in…

A Change of Heart, by Anna Marie Lawrence

An instrument of peace begins with equality. An instrument of…

Dreams, by Anna Marie Lawrence

A dream catcher Catches a dream and Makes it happen

Recovery, by Anna Marie Lawrence

R – Relief from mental stress. E – Enjoyment of life. C…

Recovery Towers Provide Focal Point

Materials are flying out the door from the new recovery "towers"…