My New Home

Enchanted Acres

by Angie

My last encounter with mental illness was like a nightmare. I was at several different mental hospitals. I was diagnosed with dementia and was treated for that for a solid month.

After that I was put in a nursing home, in the dementia unit. While there I became suicidal. I later learned that I never had dementia.

I was taken to Alpena Hospital and placed in the Behavioral Health unit. I was given a wonderful lady psychiatrist named Carolyn. She gave me different medications and in seventeen days I got well. I thank God for her.

My new home is called “Enchanted Acres.”  I love it here! My episode is behind me now. I moved in on July 1, 2011 and I have no regrets. The staff and management are wonderful. They help me with so many things: my laundry, cleaning, cooking, serving meals and, most important, they monitor my medications. I love them all.

Thank you, Lord!