Recovery Council March and April materials here

March and April meeting minutes detail the Recovery Council’s progress in tackling its transformation “blueprint” areas of responsibility.

In March the Council approved the official definition of recovery as:

“Recovery is a personal journey of hope, purpose and growth. It is the process of setting our own directions in life. We accept the responsibilities of meeting challenges, using our own abilities, strengths and determination.”

Also in March, how to implement the “REE” was also discussed in detail. REE stands for Recovery Enhancing Environment and is a survey created by Priscilla Ridgway, which measures both an individual’s recovery as well as how recovery-oriented a system or program is. There are a lot of considerations on how to offer the survey and to whom.

A workgroup made up of Todd, Barb, Kathy, Catherine, Ed (partner), and Julie will continue to work outside of Recovery Council meetings with Dave Branding, Northern Lakes Quality Improvement Director.

In April, the Council discussed improvements for this Virtual Recovery Center as well as the Northern Lakes CMH web site in general. Over time, more photos will be added throughout.

Another April topic included the blueprint task to identify what is needed to address holistic wellness and propose changes to improve performance. The group talked about ideas that were important to them – self-esteem, spirituality. They hope for a focus on items that are connected to “Mind, Body, Spirit.”

The preliminary list: coping skills, yoga, tai chi, walking, health education, coping with symptoms, exercising, nutrition, eating healthy on a budget, stress management, relaxation. The group talked about “sampling” classes to gain interest. We will begin having mini classes at Learning Communities.