Customer Services is your first contact for service questions. Customer Services will answer your questions or direct you to the right person. We believe that information is one very important way for us to provide you with choices and services to help you reach your goals. Some of your rights are explained in this Questions & Answers brochure. If you have other questions, please contact your Customer Service Specialist at 800-337-8598 or 231-933-4907 or Office of Recipient Rights at 231-935-3873.

If you have concerns or need help with a behavioral health service, we encourage you to contact your Customer Service Specialist. Customer Services is available to help you navigate the public mental health system from your first experience during your initial visit and assessment for services, throughout your care.

The Office of Recipient Rights has authority under Michigan Law to take action to prevent violations of the legal rights of recipients of services, to investigate complaints of violations of these rights, and to enforce remedies when violations are found. You have the right to contact the Office of Recipient Rights whenever you have questions about your legal rights or feel your rights have been violated. Staff of the Office can advocate, intervene, or investigate on your behalf or refer you to advocacy groups or agencies who can help answer your question or resolve your complaint. 

If you have concerns or questions about filing a Grievance or Appeal, please call the NLCMHA Grievance and Appeal Coordinator at 800-337-8598. If you have Medicaid and have additional questions, you may also call the Northern Michigan Regional Entity at 800-834-3393 or visit Northern Michigan Regional Entity.